The Blanket Exercise, originally created by Kairos in collaboration with Indigenous communities in Canada, is an interactive learning experience that raises awareness of the nation-to-nation relationship between Indigenous and non-indigenous peoples in the United States. Based on real-life experiences, the Blanket Exercise is designed to increase knowledge about the laws, policies, and programs used during nation building by having participants literally walk through U.S. history. Participants are provided the opportunity to form a common historical memory and begin conversation about how we can build intercultural bridges together. Participants may experience powerful emotions and can step away if needed. Please expect to actively participate in this workshop. There will be nonstrenuous physical participation. Adaptations and accommodations available.
This workshop is beneficial for people engaged in all levels of anti-racism work: introductory, intermediate and advanced. Participants will leave this workshop with a transformed lens through which to see U.S. laws, policy and programs as well as a better understanding of the treaty making process and American Indian Tribal Sovereignty. This workshop is designed to encourage people to want to learn more and to act for systemic change; change that upholds sovereignty and centralizes Indigenous voice.