The Forest Around Us: Examining our ties to white supremacy culture through the stories of nature conservation
Friday, November 11, 2022
Jocelyn Hernandez-Swanson - University of Minnesota Extension
William R. Moore - Office of the HWST Deputy County Manager, Ramsey Co.
Stephanie Heim - University of Minnesota Extension
Shirley Nordrum - Ricky Tic Retrievers
William R. Moore - Office of the HWST Deputy County Manager, Ramsey Co.
Stephanie Heim - University of Minnesota Extension
Shirley Nordrum - Ricky Tic Retrievers

This workshop came about to tell the truth about whiteness in "lake life" in Minnesota and nature conservation across the U.S. through storytelling and intentional reflection. Our majority BIPOC presentation team commit to guiding participants to seeing their experience with nature from a lens of divorcing from white supremacy culture without centering whiteness. Our main activities are exploration of White Supremacy Culture, storytelling, and an interactive visioning and current reality exercise to imagine a relationship with nature outside of the perpetuation of white supremacy.