Full Name
Sue Kiefer Hammersmith
ASDIC Metamorphosis
Speaker Bio
Sue Kiefer Hammersmith, Ph.D.
Sue Hammersmith (she/her) is an academic sociologist and the retired president of Metropolitan State University. She is a facilitator and curriculum developer with ASDIC (Antiracism Study Dialogue Circle), and she co-founded FREC’s Racial Equity Leadership Institute for educational leaders. Before joining Metropolitan State University, Hammersmith served as a research associate at the Alfred C. Kinsey Institute for Sex Research and as a sociology professor, dean, or provost at public universities in Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
Throughout her career Hammersmith has championed diversity, inclusion, and equity. She was an early champion for gay rights, appearing on the Oprah Winfrey Show, The Today Show, and Good Morning America! Sue has authored three books, Sexual Preference: Its Development in Men and Women, The Solution of Social Problems, and START HERE! To Understand Race in America (forthcoming, with coauthor Bob-e Simpson Epps).
Sue Hammersmith (she/her) is an academic sociologist and the retired president of Metropolitan State University. She is a facilitator and curriculum developer with ASDIC (Antiracism Study Dialogue Circle), and she co-founded FREC’s Racial Equity Leadership Institute for educational leaders. Before joining Metropolitan State University, Hammersmith served as a research associate at the Alfred C. Kinsey Institute for Sex Research and as a sociology professor, dean, or provost at public universities in Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
Throughout her career Hammersmith has championed diversity, inclusion, and equity. She was an early champion for gay rights, appearing on the Oprah Winfrey Show, The Today Show, and Good Morning America! Sue has authored three books, Sexual Preference: Its Development in Men and Women, The Solution of Social Problems, and START HERE! To Understand Race in America (forthcoming, with coauthor Bob-e Simpson Epps).
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