Full Name
Sandy Gerber
Job Title
Co-founder, Member, and Group Lead
Mayim Rabim Congregation; Tikkun Olam Commission, Reconstructing Judaism; Jewish Community Action; European Descent/Dissent Group
Speaker Bio
Sandy has been dedicated to community development in low- and moderate-income (LMI) communities, and to multicultural participation, throughout her life and work. Most recently she was employed by the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) of Minneapolis in Community Development, focused on the creation and growth of multi-sector Indian Business Alliances, primarily in South Dakota and Wisconsin. She also trained banks and community organizations in the Community Reinvestment Act and how to increase loans and investments in LMI communities. Prior to the FRB, she was a field researcher for Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation (MDRC) on a national pilot program to increase employment levels in public housing projects, a program officer with the Women’s Foundation of Minnesota, a project specialist for a racial inclusiveness initiative at the Minneapolis United Way, and the director of an inner-city community mediation program in North Minneapolis. Currently she is active in antiracism work at her south Minneapolis synagogue. Sandy received a Bush Foundation Leadership Fellowship, which she utilized to obtain a master’s degree in public administration at the Harvard Kennedy School.
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