Elevating Teacher Voices to Successfully Increase Hiring and Retaining BIPOC Teachers in Roseville Area Schools
Friday, November 10, 2023
Amanda Cotton - Roseville Area Schools
Delon Smith - Roseville Area Schools
Kenyatta McCarty - Roseville Area Schools
Kitty Gogins - Roseville Area Schools
Jovita Hernandez - Roseville Area Schools
Samuel B. Torres, ED.D - National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition
Delon Smith - Roseville Area Schools
Kenyatta McCarty - Roseville Area Schools
Kitty Gogins - Roseville Area Schools
Jovita Hernandez - Roseville Area Schools
Samuel B. Torres, ED.D - National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition

The session will include the following:
•An overview of current situation with BIPOC teachers, including trends in the percent teachers of color in Minnesota
•The importance of having BIPOC teachers---research shows higher achievement of BIPOC students if they have a BIPOC teacher(s) in their early grades
•Background information on the Roseville Area School District and on our level of BIPOC students, teachers, and other staff groups
•Roseville’s historical journey to increase BIPOC staff, including what worked and missteps
•Two strategies that will be highlighted are the importance of creating a BIPOC Teacher Affinity Group and elevating teacher voices to change processes, culture and climate to improve our ability to hire and retain BIPOC teachers.
•There will be an opportunity to hear stories about how we support our BIPOC staff and the work we still need to do
•Woven into the presentation will be opportunities for participants to reflect on what they know about the staffing situation, what they would like to know, and what they have learned and can take back to their organizations.