How "Lost Cause" Mentality Keeps Us from Being Equal.
Saturday, November 11, 2023

The systems that doomed Reconstruction after the Civil War are still alive and well in our country yet today. "The North won the Civil War but the South won the narrative." (Bryan Stevenson) This is a narrative based, not on the evils of slavery, but on states rights. At the heart of the narrative is white supremacy and the oppression it causes. Today that oppression has spread not only to Blacks, but to all who do not meet the sexual, racial, and ability standards that white supremacy demands. We see it in voter suppression, in homophobia, in misogyny, as state legislatures across the country are introducing bills that create and reinforce this oppression.
Building on the work of several authors, including, but not limited to Heather McGhee, Ibram X. Kendi, Peniel E. Joseph, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, W.E.B. DuBois, Carol Anderson, James Baldwin, Micheal Eric Dyson, and William J. Barber III, the workshop will explore how ignoring the real history of Reconstruction has perpetuated the systems of oppression that have been with us for the past 150 years, and are rising to new heights in the present time.
The workshop will look at Black Lives Matter and the Poor People's Campaign as two movements that are working to overcome and change these systems of oppression.