
Get to know your fellow attendees and begin networking before, during and post conference

Ilse Griffin Ilse Griffin
Saint Paul College
Israel Mendoza Ramirez Israel Mendoza Ramirez
University of St Thomas
Iyekiyapiwin Darlene St. Clair Iyekiyapiwin Darlene St. Clair
St. Cloud State University
Associate Professor
Jack Moebius Jack Moebius
University of Minnesota - Institute on the Environment
Projects Manager & Executive Administrator
Jack Herscowitz Jack Herscowitz
Literacy Minnesota
AmeriCorps VISTA
Jacquie Lonning Jacquie Lonning
University of Minnesota Extension Center for Youth Development
Civic Engagement & Leadership Director
James Ewer James Ewer
Osprey Wilds
Authorizing Specialist
James Shatek James Shatek
Cherokee Park United Church
lay member