
Get to know your fellow attendees and begin networking before, during and post conference

Jill Chamblerlain Jill Chamblerlain
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of MN
Senior Program Manager
Jillian Sully Jillian Sully
Minnesota Attorney General Office
Executive Assistant & Scheduler
joanne kurhajec joanne kurhajec
Joayne Larson Joayne Larson
Sparks of Change LLC
Jocelyn McQuirter Jocelyn McQuirter
Jo Clare Hartsig Jo Clare Hartsig
United Church of Christ/ Hennepin County Libraries
Clergy/Library Staff
Jodi Bantley Jodi Bantley
Metropolitan State University
Associate Director: Civic & Community Partnerships
Jody Gray Jody Gray
University of Minnesota
Director, CFANS Office for Diversity & Inclusion