
Get to know your fellow attendees and begin networking before, during and post conference

Linda Domholt Linda Domholt
Perspectives, Inc
V.P. of Development & Communication
Linda Gold Linda Gold
Lindsey Hunter Lindsey Hunter
Urban Homeworks, Inc.
HR Director
Linsey McMurrin Linsey McMurrin
Peacemaker Resources/FamilyWise Services
Prevention Specialist/Director of Prevention Initiatives & Tribal Projects
Lisa Grathen Lisa Grathen
West St. Paul-Mendota Hgts-Eagan Area Schools
Director of Community Education
Lisa Keith Lisa Keith
UofM Dept. of Psychology / Independent Studies (AMIN & CSPH)
Exec.Ofc & Admin Specialist and STUDENT
Lisa Wiens Heinsohn Lisa Wiens Heinsohn
St. John's Episcopal Church
Lisa Hinz Lisa Hinz
University of MN Extension
Extension Educator