Full Name

Ze Thao Sengsoulichanh

Job Title

Community Organizer



Speaker Bio

Ze Thao Sengsoulichanh is a communications and fundraising specialist and community organizer. Her work is influenced by reparative justice, intersectionality, and embodied trauma healing for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. Ze serves as a founding member of the Hmong 4 Black Lives coalition which emerged as a need to address anti-blackness within the Hmong community with educational resources and amplify solidarity efforts around demilitarizing state sanctioned surveillance and violence toward Black and Brown communities. She was the editor and program manager for Planting SEADS, the first community authored anthology by Hmong, Lao, Vietnamese, and Khmer Minnesotans – which documents personal stories of community members and their journeys of escape from a war-torn region and resettlement in the United States. She is a 1.5 generation refugee from Thailand and belongs to the indigenous Hmong people of South China and Southeast Asia. She is one half of the Mango and Peppers podcast team - a Hmong women duo covering topics around Asian diaspora pop-culture and conversations on radical self-love. Ze enjoys hiking with family and currently resides in Minneapolis.