This workshop considers child development and gives teachers developmentally appropriate tools for engaging children and youth in difficult, but important conversations on racial identity, differences, and bias. Participants will walk away with an understanding of why these conversations are necessary and strategies for how to engage appropriately.
This workshop will examine the developmental stages of children in understanding culture, race, identity, differences, and bias and what each stage means for how educators can engage these topics with children through curricula, discussions, and activities. We will introduce Anti-Bias Education as a framework for engagement because “[t]hrough anti-bias education, children identify issues and inequities in their lives, ask questions, consider multiple perspectives and thinking about their lives critically, growing to actively resist prejudice and discrimination (Derman-Sparks, Louise, et al., Leading Anti-Bias Early Childhood Programs: A Guide for Change.)” We will share, model, and explore different teaching strategies and tools that promote deep, authentic conversations with children on these hard topics and problem solve around worries and pitfalls that educators might have when talking with children about race, gender, and other hard topics.
We will use small and large group discussion, modeling of strategies and tools, and interactive whiteboards to engage participants in the workshop.