We Can No Longer Do Nothing; MN Faith Communities Respond to Systemic Racial Injustice and Move Towards Reparations
Saturday, November 13, 2021
Jim Bear Jacobs Pamela Ngunjiri

In the midst of Minnesota’s current racialized climate, the MN Council of Churches adopted a bold new initiative. This program is meant to address current and historic racial inequities and white supremacy. This workshop will outline MCC’s call to predominantly white faith communities to work towards truth telling, education, and reparations.


This workshop will outline the new initiative of the Minnesota Council of Churches, which calls on faith communities to engage in Truth telling, education, and reparations. This program is unique in that it is the first ecumenical organization to formally address systems of racism and white supremacy with a goal of meaningful reparations. It is also unique in that it addresses the foundations of America’s racism of Indigenous genocide and enslavement of Black bodies by focusing reparations efforts on these two communities.
This workshop will utilize storytelling, information sharing, and conversational engagement. This will be accomplished with video, small group activity and question and answer dialogue. This workshop will be conducted by Minnesota Council of Churches Co-Directors of Community Engagement and Racial Justice, Rev. Pamela Ngunjiri and Rev. Jim Bear Jacobs.