We can do better: Anti-racist initiatives to transform teacher education
Saturday, November 13, 2021
Dr. Letitia Basford

Spurred by the murder of George Floyd, our predominantly white teacher education program implemented several anti-racist initiatives. We will describe these initiatives, the lessons we’ve learned, and our plans to continue the work. Time will be reserved for other programs to share their efforts to develop a more antiracist culture.


Using a slideshow, we will begin by sharing our teacher education program's story. We will then describe several anti-racist efforts that our predominantly white teacher education program has been involved in over the last 1.5 years, such as: --Formation of a racial equity task force --Development of shared community norms, with a focus on courageous communication --Small faculty/staff affinity groups focused on anti-racist equity work --Adoption of Minnesota Education Dispositions Assessment for teacher candidates (an equity-focused framework for assessing dispositions) --Development of Anti-Racist SMART goals for courses across programs --School-wide read and discussion of Kendi’s How To Be An Anti Racist We will then describe the perspectives of faculty and staff involved in this learning process and the lessons we’ve learned as well as how we plan to continue the work. Finally, we plan to hold significant time for discussion with other programs that are also striving to develop a more antiracist culture.