Full Name
LaKesha Kimbrough
Job Title
LK Consulting & Coaching
Speaker Bio
LaKesha is an experienced youth and family advocate, and warrior for racial and social justice and liberation. LaKesha has engaged in work leading to the healing of historical traumas and their legacies for many years. As a result of her commitment to healing and liberation, she recently founded LK Consulting & Coaching. In this role LaKesha has the honor of partnering with organizations to bring engaging workshops centering healing as a vital component of renewal, transformation, and liberation. She also partners with individuals to support their personal work on their journeys to heal, renew, and transform.

LaKesha envisions individuals and communities living in wholeness. She values, among other things, compassion, relationship, and truth. LaKesha believes strongly in the power of story, connection, and shared learning. She enjoys facilitating workshops and trainings that support deeper understanding and appreciation of self and others and that promote and aid healing.

LaKesha is blessed to be the mother of an amazing young woman, daughter of a phenomenal Mother, and descendant of beautifully resilient ancestors (and lives her life seeking to be a good ancestor). She enjoys reading, writing, baking, knitting, taking walks, and being near the water.
LaKesha Kimbrough