Full Name
Rie Algeo Gilsdorf
Job Title
Facilitator & Coach
Embody Equity
Speaker Bio
Rie Algeo Gilsdorf (She/Her) is passionate about seeing and integrating the big picture. Whether she’s connecting people across distance and difference, integrating mind and body, science and art, or healing and change-making, Rie knows that the confluence of two streams will always produce a more powerful river. With advanced degrees in Biology and Dance, Rie has an appreciation for the perceptions of the mind, heart and body, and the critical thinking and creativity they can provoke. Rie also integrates Systems Change, Social Arts and Critical Race Theory, applying all of this to overcoming systemic racism on a personal, social and global level. Throughout her career Rie has worked with innovative schools and progressive faith communities to facilitate adult learning that develops capacity to achieve equity across race, gender, sexuality and ability as well as urban, suburban and rural cultures. Most recently she spent six years as part of the team at Courageous Conversation, learning how to engage productively in equity work as a white woman. She now provides racial equity seminars, coaching and consulting through Embody Equity, and is a senior practitioner in the global community of facilitators of Social Presencing Theater and Theory U.
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