Excavating the Roots of Race-Stories
Saturday, November 12, 2022
Maria McNamara - ASDIC Metamorphosis
Okogyeamon Herbert Perkins - ASDIC Metamorphosis
Elizabeth Hacker - ASDIC Metamorphosis
Okogyeamon Herbert Perkins - ASDIC Metamorphosis
Elizabeth Hacker - ASDIC Metamorphosis

The Excavating the Roots of Race-Stories workshop identifies critical concepts and therapeutic practices that contribute to the understanding, addressing, and redressing obstacles to “overcoming racism”. Offers theories and practices toward personal and small group transformation. Highly interactive and participatory. Methodology includes explanatory models, graphics, and scenario exercises, conceptual tools used to dismantle racist structures and mindsets drawing from Contextual Behavioral Science (CBS) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) research. Provides skills-building practice in critical analysis and therapeutic (healing/remediating) responses.