Full Name
Okogyeamon Herbert Perkins
Job Title
ASDIC Metamorphosis
Speaker Bio
Okogyeamon (Herbert Perkins, PhD) currently lives in west-central Minnesota, Montevideo. He grew up in the lower-income community of Willowbrook-Compton-Watts, then, a Southern California, predominantly Latino-Black, poor, working-class community. After completing college and teaching at a SF Bay Area, California high school for a year. He took a teaching position in East Pakistan, now called, Bangladesh. These two intermingling of contrastive cultures with experiences of color, race, cast, religion, language, and customs provided the foundation for subsequent study, learning and teaching that followed.
Okogyeamon is co-founder of Antiracism Studies Dialogue Circles with Margery Otto JD () and current Executive Director, ASDIC Metamorphosis. He is a co-founder FREC – serving on the Planning Committee. Through FREC, Okogyeamon with many esteemed colleagues, has offered advanced antiracism training since 2008 via the yearly Overcoming Racism Conference.
Among his awards of recognition are:
- Honoree and designee as Sage, 2012 Summit of Sages, University of Minnesota School of Nursing (Densford International Center for Nursing Leadership), September 28-29, 2012.
- Co-Recipient, Facing Race Ambassador Award, The Saint Paul Foundation, April 2010.
- Touchstone Award for Inclusiveness, Duluth-Superior Area Community Foundation, 2010.
- Honoree, Facing Race Ambassador Award, The Saint Paul Foundation, April 2008.
- Honoree and recipient of The Ida B. Robinson Award for Instructional Leadership (Twenty-five Year Anniversary Celebration of the founding of the Intercultural/International Division,
1971-1996). Awarded on March 16, 1996, Cupertino, California.
In addition to his ASDIC Metamorphosis work – program direction, curriculum writing, workshop facilitation, Okogyeamon is pastor of First Congregational Church, Montevideo, MN.
Okogyeamon received his undergraduate degree from University of Notre Dame (Modern Languages/History); his graduate degrees are from UCLA (MATESL, socio-linguistics), UC Santa Cruz (PhD, Cultural Philosophy), and United Seminary Twin Cities (MDiv, Contextual Theology). Okogyeamon also studied at the Institute of Asian Studies, San Francisco (Indian Philosophy) and at Stanford University (Anthropology in Education). He has taught at all levels of education – elementary and high school, private and public colleges and universities – English, English as a Second Language, history, anthropology, sociology, ethnic studies, contextual theology, and philosophy. For this he holds a K-12 teaching license from California and Indiana.
Okogyeamon is co-founder of Antiracism Studies Dialogue Circles with Margery Otto JD () and current Executive Director, ASDIC Metamorphosis. He is a co-founder FREC – serving on the Planning Committee. Through FREC, Okogyeamon with many esteemed colleagues, has offered advanced antiracism training since 2008 via the yearly Overcoming Racism Conference.
Among his awards of recognition are:
- Honoree and designee as Sage, 2012 Summit of Sages, University of Minnesota School of Nursing (Densford International Center for Nursing Leadership), September 28-29, 2012.
- Co-Recipient, Facing Race Ambassador Award, The Saint Paul Foundation, April 2010.
- Touchstone Award for Inclusiveness, Duluth-Superior Area Community Foundation, 2010.
- Honoree, Facing Race Ambassador Award, The Saint Paul Foundation, April 2008.
- Honoree and recipient of The Ida B. Robinson Award for Instructional Leadership (Twenty-five Year Anniversary Celebration of the founding of the Intercultural/International Division,
1971-1996). Awarded on March 16, 1996, Cupertino, California.
In addition to his ASDIC Metamorphosis work – program direction, curriculum writing, workshop facilitation, Okogyeamon is pastor of First Congregational Church, Montevideo, MN.
Okogyeamon received his undergraduate degree from University of Notre Dame (Modern Languages/History); his graduate degrees are from UCLA (MATESL, socio-linguistics), UC Santa Cruz (PhD, Cultural Philosophy), and United Seminary Twin Cities (MDiv, Contextual Theology). Okogyeamon also studied at the Institute of Asian Studies, San Francisco (Indian Philosophy) and at Stanford University (Anthropology in Education). He has taught at all levels of education – elementary and high school, private and public colleges and universities – English, English as a Second Language, history, anthropology, sociology, ethnic studies, contextual theology, and philosophy. For this he holds a K-12 teaching license from California and Indiana.
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