Full Name
Sarah Weiss
Job Title
EDI center Coordinator
Minnesota Department Of Education
Speaker Bio
Sarah Weiss is a community organizer at heart and evaluator by trade. She works as a policy and grants coordinator in the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Center at the Department of Education. Sarah holds a bachelor’s degree from Evergreen State College and a master’s degree from Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Sarah Weiss works as a policy and grants coordinator in the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Center at the Department of Education. In this role, she leverages her experience as a community organizer, and evaluator to support schools and the state to advance community-driven policies practices to eliminate systemic racism and other forms of systemic oppression. Additionally, Sarah supports a range of non-profit organizations to strengthen their monitoring and evaluation practices. She serves as the vice-chair of the statewide organizing council for the Minnesota Association of Professional Employees (MAPE), and enjoys volunteering on a range of political and issue-based campaigns. Sarah holds a bachelor’s degree from Evergreen State College, and a master’s degree from Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Sarah Weiss