Eliminating Racial Discipline Disparities in Schools
Friday, November 10, 2023
Sarah Weiss Kortney Hill

In the first half of the presentation, participants will learn about the history of the discipline and explore their own experiences, beliefs, and ideas about children, learning, and community. Participants will begin by mapping their own experiences. Then facilitators will present a compelling timeline to clearly identify how discipline has been and continues to be used to systematically exclude and segregate Black, Indigenous, and other students of color. Facilitators will utilize a restorative approach to support participants to share their reflections, with one another, ideally in groups based on racial affinity.

In the second half of the workshop, MDE will present the model code of conduct—a newly published, optional framework for districts and schools to reimagine and redefine their discipline practices. The goal of these resources is to support districts to authentically engage their communities to collaboratively develop anti-bias and trauma-informed procedural guidance for discipline practices that are restorative and supportive. Additionally, district partners working to address discipline disparities will share how they have utilized these resources and other approaches to address discipline disparities successfully.