Full Name
Kortney Hill
Job Title
Nonexclusionary Discipline specialist
Minnesota Department of Education
Speaker Bio
Kortney Hill provides a logical and restorative approach to supporting school communities. Kortney works to support districts across the state to close the disparities in exclusionary practices in the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Center at MDE.

Kortney Hill is an educational leader and equity specialist. Kortney is a mother, wife, and friend. Kortney has been in education since 2008 and working towards more equitable and restorative discipline practices since 2016. As a former school administrator, Kortney provides a logical and restorative approach to supporting adults, students, families, and communities. Kortney began working with MDE in 2022 as a Non-Exclusionary Discipline Specialist, supporting districts across the state to close the disparities in exclusionary practices for our students of color in Minnesota. When not at work, Kortney loves to read, watch movies, and be with her family.
Kortney Hill