Not the Master's Tools
Friday, November 12, 2021
LaKesha Kimbrough

Audre Lorde said, “the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.” What might it mean to (re)imagine and use different tools to bring us closer to a just and liberated society? Join us in an exploration of tools we can use to construct healthier, healed, systems leading toward liberation.

Dismantling systems of oppression is not good enough, we must also engage in constructing healthier systems, creating paths for current systems to heal and transform so that may live in a society that boasts liberation for all. We cannot do this using tools that created the structures, we must repurpose those tools and use new tools that center liberation. Some of these tools include: centering joy, hope as strategy, and the power of connection. How might these and other tools be used to construct something new? Not the Master’s Tools will engage participants in exploration using activities such as use of shared and interactive slides, jamboard or padlet, breakout rooms, and reflection along with shared learning through group wisdom.